The Importance of Proper Workers' Compensation Coverage for Small Businesses in Texas

Small businesses are the backbone of the Texas economy, providing employment and fostering local growth. However, many small business owners might be unaware of the critical…

why estate planning is essential for your future

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, thinking about what happens after we're gone can often take a back seat. However, estate planning is a crucial aspect of responsible…

Success story: recovering $50k through mechanics liens

At Vargas Law Firm, we're committed to championing the rights of our clients and ensuring they're fairly compensated for their hard work and materials. A testament to this…

Why You Should Think Twice Before Filing Pro Se Discrimination Charges with the TWC or EEOC

Facing discrimination in the workplace can be a distressing experience, prompting a swift response. While the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and the Equal Employment…

small business consultation: gain expert insights for business success

At the Vargas Law Firm, we offer comprehensive small business seminars designed to provide you with the knowledge, guidance, and insights needed to navigate the complexities of…

deprivation of rights

The rights of the citizens/employees of this great State of Texas under the Texas Constitution are under attack. As an attorney, I took an oath to protect the Constitution of…